Dear Diary… (fifty something) – Sorry for the delay


Well… My boyfriend dumped me last week 3 days before my birthday (such bad taste) and I cried a lot about it, but I realised something. I realised that as you reach the end of the road you look back and realise that you need a new car. Something speedy and shiny but also as trustworthy as you can get. One that is nothing like the old one and doesn’t go spreading rumours that you had anal sex with them – which never even happened. By needing a new car, I mean needing a new guy (for those who don’t understand my weird metaphors). However, I quite like singledom. I like being able to talk to whoever I want. Flirt with whoever I want. Shave whenever I want (that sounds disgusting but I’m a slob). It’s freeing. It’s not nice being lonely and it’s nice to be in a relationship but there is so much pressure to be perfect in a relationship… It’s harder than I thought. I’m not really cut out for it at this point in my life (saying that, I’ve agreed to go on a date this Friday so in my next post, I may be completely contradicting myself here but that’s me… I change a lot due to my mood).

You know what’s funny? How much my mood completely changes my outlook of absolutely everything. Something that would normally make me laugh, makes me angry and things that would normally annoy me, don’t. I find it hard to know who I am due that very reason. It’s not that I’m more than one person, it’s just that my mood changes a lot of my personality and so…what is my personality? Who am I? If I don’t know how will anyone know?

Things that make me smile:

Random lists. Hence this one.
Your comments. Every single comment I’ve gotten is like a little hug to the heart. #cheesy
Someone smiling at me I don’t know.
Compliments. I find them so awkward to get but they make me smile (and usually blush).
Random acts of kindness from strangers. You know when someone holds the door for you? It’s adorable.
Jokes. Good ones.
Stories. Once again, good ones.
Passion. The kind you see in the eyes of someone with drive and determination.


I wrote the above about 2 weeks ago when I got distracted and realised that we didn’t have any internet because mum couldn’t afford the bill, but now we have internet and I’m bored so I thought I’d write something for you beautiful people.

I have been on the date mentioned above and an additional 2 others and the guy seems lovely. However, they all seem nice at first, don’t they? So the only real conclusions I can make are these facts- he’s Catholic, he’s into classical music and he has a really posh accent. Opposites attract, right?

Now let’s get back to the weird and unusual thoughts of this ginger beast right here (AKA me). So I’ve been thinking….Fuck it. I’ve written this thing out about 5 times already and my computer keeps crashing anytime I try to save it so maybe it’s a sign and maybe you were never supposed to know what I was thinking about!

Anyway, sorry for this mismatch of a post, I promise the next one will feel a bit more together and I’ll try to gather up my scatty thoughts into something that makes sense. Goodnight ma petit pois xoxo

P.S. I love you.

6 responses »

  1. Its nice to see you happy like that.. I didnt have the chance to read your posts recently and since ive been working on a certain blog right now, your post just poped and it made me smile. Love reading about you… I’m happy now 🙂

  2. This post had me laughing out loud nang times! Thank you for your weird metaphors and random lists! ^-^
    I’m sure everything will be okay! I’ll definitely be reading more!

    • Thankyou very very much it’s really nice of you to say!! I hope that he is wonderful just like mine 🙂 my eyes are a greeny-blue colour but I’m afraid my real name is a secret 😉 have a nice day 🙂

  3. Hi LittleMissMystery, what is you real name or should I not ask that? You do have a special talent for writing! And remember only those who want to be happy will be – and to become happy you must smile more often and do something interesting so that you could be strong enough to reach out and to achieve fulfillment – which gives a meaning to the length of your life. And God does exist. Don’t you know the evidence? Pray to Jesus and believe in Him so that jou can be saved and be given ever- lasting life. Never again word you be thirsty, be- cause you have drunk out of the cool fountain of life. Here is a proem to inspire you that I have written: “Be a Rose that Blossoms, be a rose that blooms With all the glory and the beauty bursting out like life by it soft petals of what is within, don’t hide and trap your beauty in the folded downs of your petals. be a cool stream that flows without end, never leaving its hole to dry up; to become empty. Be sure, that as long as life will endure, as long as you believe in yourself you will inspire others to believe in you too. Be in for a joy-ride! Whoo, yohoooo! And as long as your days last, don’t chew the cud on the grey days of past, but make it your prime purpose in life never to strive, but to fillful others with happiness after you yourself are.” Personal Power thought: “I filfull myself and others with true happiness and joy all the days of my life.” Let me know when your fountain of blue waters, your fountain of rest, is fill! Have a happy life. Enjoy your day. Life is fun. Relax. Another per- sonal power thought for you: “Today I will see a true friend in every person that by the eye of the your heart means what he/she says to make you happy.” Xxx!

  4. Wow she has a very good dairy I must say good job and thanks for the advise it works and you Inspire alot of young people to

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